Pussy whipped then sipped

Excuse my expression, but indeed I am pussy whipped

To date on her tunes I’m still dipped

Even though she’s not around even a bit

Yet my heart pain is present as I stand, lay or sit

That feeling of pleasurable pain when her onto my head flit

Causing my heart that poor heart to spilt

Those eyes, nose, lips, ears that face! That is it!

I am stomped on & with her beauty hit

Sophia, a full natural kit

I, fully lit

And for sure pussy whipped & to the bones sipped.





At home yet alone

Here is the deal

And how I feel

 A troubled few days indeed they have been @ work, wishing off me I can peel

Peel off my heart that feeling of a locked on heavy seal

With it happening to be that to my close one, I can’t speak nor reveal

I tried but backwards its steer

Due to communication issues, I regretfully appeal

And the one I feel whom will understand me & maybe contribute in my thoughts is not anywhere to be, in real

Just close to my heart and thoughts she is near

How do I know that’s the deal?

Oh well she rolls on my minds wheel

However, I surely will manage that ugly once in a while fear

As I can’t ever recall a woman in my life on such days did clear

Clear my mind for focused thinking, yet I feel Sophia would veer

Saving myself a tear

Yes dear
